Posts made in July, 2020
PCOS as a metabolic disorder
PCOS is a complex metabolic disorder that causes metabolic abnormalities, whi...
Symptoms of Andropause
SYMPTOMS OF ANDROPAUSE Andropause is associated with a variety of symptoms, a...
What is Andropause?
What is andropause? So if someone asks, “Do men go through menopause?” the a...
The hormone doctor
Dr. Sheree keeps abreast with the latest research and practices in hormones t...
8 Health Resolutions for the New Year!
At the CORE clinic, we do not only look to address the root cause of a health...
The Importance of Gut Health
Did you know that our bodies are actually composed of trillions and trillions...
Sign Up for the Core Clinic’s Breast Cancer Prevention Program
Breast cancer represents more than 25% of all cancer cases in women. Both dev...
Prevention is Still Better than Treatment: Know Your Risk for Breast Cancer!
The numbers are truly alarming. One in every 13 Filipina women is expected to...
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