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Symptoms of Andropause

SYMPTOMS OF ANDROPAUSE Andropause is associated with a variety of symptoms, a...

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What is Andropause?

What is andropause?  So if someone asks, “Do men go through menopause?” the a...

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The hormone doctor

Dr. Sheree keeps abreast with the latest research and practices in hormones t...

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8 Health Resolutions for the New Year!

At the CORE clinic, we do not only look to address the root cause of a health...

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The Importance of Gut Health

Did you know that our bodies are actually composed of trillions and trillions...

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Sign Up for the Core Clinic’s Breast Cancer Prevention Program

Breast cancer represents more than 25% of all cancer cases in women. Both dev...

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Prevention is Still Better than Treatment: Know Your Risk for Breast Cancer!

The numbers are truly alarming. One in every 13 Filipina women is expected to...

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Schedule a Home Visit for Your Next Nutrient IV Drip Session

  Don’t let horrible traffic keep you from getting your much-neede...